Get certified in reiki:

REIKI Attunement

A Reiki Attunement is a process by which a master teacher passes down ancient knowledge of this incredible therapy and opens up the healing channels of the student, so that the student can then utilize Reiki for healing purposes. Through each different level of Reiki Attunements, you will learn to channel this sacred healing energy to use on yourself and on others. Becoming attuned can help to open and activate your psychic gifts, awaken your life force energy, and facilitate profound healing of the body, mind, and spirit. It can also help to deepen your own healing practice and provide a deeper understanding of yourself and your connection to the divine. If you or a loved one have a chronic illness, we also recommend getting attuned as you can more easily access the healing benefit of Reiki on a daily basis - or however often you need it! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to share this gift with the people you love?

After a Reiki Attunement, you will be certified and able to practice Reiki on yourself, others, and even pets. We teach traditional Usui Reiki, and there are 3 levels which must be completed in order. For example, you must be attuned to Reiki Level I in order to get attuned to Reiki Level II. You can complete all three, or just complete the first or second. For more information on on what to expect and other questions, you can check out our FAQ page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of our students choose to get attuned simply in order to awaken the healer within, and step into their light and purpose. The goal does not need to be to see clients (although it can be!) but instead to simply step into your own power. Through the Reiki Attunement process, we teach you spiritual techniques and skills that assist you in your day to day life, as a spiritual being having a human experience.

Please see pricing below. The pricing includes the 1:1 teaching and attunement, all course level material, and your completed Reiki level certification.
Group pricing differs and is lower. Please inquire about group attunements at a lower rate (2+ People)!

Reiki Level I


Reiki Level II


Reiki Level III


  • The student will learn to do hands on physical healing, healing on self and others.

  • The student will learn to channel reiki on emotional and mental level for self and others, as well as send distant energy reiki.

  • The student will learn spiritual healing on self and others, and will also learn how to pass attunements onto others as well as teach reiki. This is also called the “Master Teacher Level.”