Oh, the Power of Plants!

Frustrated with your health? Looking for a more holistic path? Want to simply increase your vitality and quality of life? Enter the plant people.

Our Herbalism consults are designed to work with you on the physical level, and also the spiritual, emotional and mental (shocking, we know!)

Through your initial consultation, we will dig into your current and past physical health, as well as ask questions about lifestyle habits, emotional health, mental health, and spiritual health and more. As they are always related, we want to ensure that you are working on all levels for a longer lasting result, not just a short term win.

We want to know about your personal constitution and make up so that we know what herbs are right for you!

Herbal Consultations

Prior to booking, please be sure that you read our Core Principles below. Our belief is that there are practitioners that are right for certain people, at a certain point in time. If you do not resonate with this, we may not be the right practitioners for you, and that is okay! We encourage that you listen to your gut. 

Core Principles:

  • The body already knows how to heal itself; we just need to help it out and give it the tools in order to do so.

  • All physical ailments (chronic and acute) have a spiritual/emotional root. Therefore, these must be considered as well.

  • We cannot expect to heal the world, each other, and our earth, without first healing ourselves and bringing ourselves back into balance. 

  • Illness is often the initiation to wake you up into something greater, learn something, pave the path for others.

  • WSA is not the healer; we facilitate energy and blend herbals. You are doing the work alongside of spirit and the plants, if you so choose to. Please honor yourself and thank yourself for showing up!

  • Ask yourself if you are truly ready to confront your truth and love yourself and put in the work. If the answer isn’t a definite “yes” then we are not the practitioners for you!

  • We work with you, your constitution, your energetics, and your spirit guides.

  • We believe that when a person is out of balance, they manifest illness in order to achieve balance once more.

IMPORTANT PRIOR TO BOOKING: You must complete the intake form a minimum of 48 hours prior to your appointment. This gives us vital information about you, how you operate, and your health in order to best serve you. We reserve the right to push out your appointment if this is not done! We will send you home with “homework” and recommend that you follow-up. In addition to herbal recommendations, we may also recommend something along the physical level (food consideration, stretching, etc), emotional level, or spiritual level. 

The price below is for one consultation and access to Natalie for questions about the protocol. It does not include the price of the herbal recommendations to acquire and take. Please keep in mind that herbals can take time, as they are often addressing more of the root cause instead of covering up a symptom. We will offer suggestions as far as if/when you will need to be seen again.

By signing up for an Herbalism consult, you are entering a contract with yourself, the plant kingdom, and spirit. Thank you for honoring your inner wisdom.

Initial Consultation


Follow-Up Consultations
